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Zagrljaj podrske - Breast Friends
Goran Višnjić    


Moja supruga i ja imamo blisku prijateljicu kojoj su dijagnosticirali rak dojke. Bilo je to traumatično iskustvo, i mi smo učinili sve što smo mogli da budemo tu za nju i da joj pomognemo u tim teškim vremenima.
Pravu snagu nekoga ko vam je Breast Friend vidjeli smo u njenom odnosu sa njenim mužem, i duboko nas je ganula njegova snaga. Bio je tu za nju kroz cijeli taj proces, i pomogao joj je da se suoči sa bolešću i ličnim odlukama koje je morala da donese.
Osjećao sam da želim da učestvujem u kampanji “Breast Friends” jer vjerujem da je njena bit upravo to: biti tu i pomoći voljenoj osobi.
(Goran Višnjić je nagrađivani glumac iz Hrvatske, trenutno nastanjen u SAD)


‘My wife and I had a close friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer.
It was a traumatic experience, and we did everything we could to be there for her and help her through this difficult time.
We saw the real power of a Breast Friend most
strongly demonstrated through her relationship with her husband, and we were deeply moved by his strength. He was there for her every step of the way, and helped her
come to terms with the impact of the disease and the personal decisions that had to be made.
I felt compelled to take part in Breast Friends because I believe they represent what this campaign is all about: being there and supporting a loved one.’
Goran is an award-winning actor from Croatia, now based in the USA

 Goran Višnjić
 Breast Friend

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