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Zagrljaj podrske - Breast Friends
Rosemary Moritz and Marcia Cross    


“Marcia je bila divna u vrijeme moje dijagnoze; odmah je počela da mi pomaže. Poslala mi je “Knjigu o grudima” Dr Love-a, koja je bila od neprocjenjive vrijednosti dok sam pokušavala da shvatim koju vrstu raka dojke imam i koja pitanja bih trebala postaviti svom onkologu. Marcia mi je pomogla i emocionalno. Jako je važno da znate da s nekim možete razgovarati o bilo čemu. Osjećala sam se jako voljena, i to mi je bila najveća pomoć.”
(Rosemary je preživjela rak dojke)

“Slučajno sam nazvala Rosemary odmah nakon što joj je doktor saopštio vijest. Bilo je užasno; odmah sam htjela da učinim sve što je u mojoj moći da joj pomognem da kroz to prođe. Terapija zračenjem je za nju bila posebno teška, pa smo ja i dvije druge prijateljice osmislile male poklone koje bi Rosemary otvorila kod kuće svaki dan nakon što bi završila terapiju. Bilo nam je važno da Rosemary osjeća da ima podršku i ljubav.”
(Marcia Cross je glumica u Hollywood-u)


‘Marcia was incredible when I was diagnosed; she immediately started to help. She sent me Dr. Love’s Breast Book, which was invaluable in terms of understanding my type of breast cancer and the questions I should be asking my oncologist. Marcia also helped me get through emotionally.
It is so important to know you can talk to someone about everything and anything. I felt so loved, and that’s what made all the difference to me.’
Rosemary is a breast cancer survivor

‘I happened to call Rosemary right after the doctor had given her the news. It was so shocking; I immediately wanted to do everything I could to help her get through it. The radiation treatment was particularly hard, so I grouped together with two other friends and organised gifts for Rosemary to open at home every day after she finished treatment. It was really important to us that Rosemary felt supported and loved.’
Marcia Cross is a leading Hollywood actress

Rosemary and Marcia’s advice:
Be there for your friend and make sure she feels your love and concern. Knowing that those around you have compassion for what you are going through helps to impart the strength needed to fight the disease.


Rosemary Moritz and Marcia Cross
Breast Friend

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